Helpful phrases...
It is always good to try out the lingo and come across as if you are making the effort to communicate with the locals in their language. You will find that the majority of people living on the Continent now speak English and love to practise it on you but you shouldn't expect it - you're in their country so it doesn't hurt to try. A few phrases may get you out of trouble - here's a few which may come in handy.
French phrases
1. Help/I need help/We need help = Au secours (Aide)/J'ai besoin d'aide/Nous avons besoin d'aide
2. Can I/We have the bill/menu please = L'addition (La facture)/Le menu s'il vous plait
3. I/We would like to buy/pay = Je voudrais/Nous voudrions acheter/payer
4. I am/We are lost = Je suis perdu(e)/Nous sommes perdus
5. Many thanks for your help = Merci pour votre aide
6. How much/What is the price/rate = C'est combien/Quel est le prix
7. Where are the toilets = Les toilettes s'il vous plait
8. Where can I/We find... = Ou est-ce que je peux/nous pouvons trouver...
9. I/We need petrol = J'ai besoin/Nous avons besoin de gasoline
10. A table for two (four) = Une table pour deux (quatre)Hello/Goodbye = Bonjour/Au revoir
Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Goodnight = Bonjour/Bonjour/Bon soir/Bonne nuit
Thank you/Many thanks = Merci/Merci beaucoup/Merci mille fois
Yes/No = Oui/Non
Please = S'il vous plait
Sorry/Excuse me = Je suis desole/Excusez-moi (pardon)
Open/Closed = Ouvert/Ferme
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow = Hier/Aujourd'hui/Demain
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Petit-dejeuner/Dejeuner/Diner
Meat/Fish/Chicken/Vegetarian = Viande/Poisson/Poulet/Vegetarian(rien)
Eggs/Cheese/Vegetables/Desserts = Oeufs/Fromage/Vegetables (Legumes)/Dessert
Beer/Wine = Biere/Vin
Water/Bottled water = Eau/Eau en bouteille
Fizzy (carbonated)/Non fizzy (still) = Eau gazeuse/Eau non gazeuse
Refrigerated (cold) water = Eau froide
Police = Police/Gendarmerie
Chemist/pharmacy = Pharmacie (green cross)
Hospital = Hopital (red cross)
Bank/Money = Banque/Argent
Ticket = Billet
The Exchange Office/Exchange rate = Bureau de Change/Taux de change
Church/Cathedral = Eglise/Cathedrale
Beach/Swimming pool/Lake = Plage/Piscine/Lac
Shower/Bath = Douche/Bain
Sun/Rain/Wind/Snow = Soleil/Pluie/Vent/Neige
Way/Road/Motorway/Bridge/Toll = Chemin/Route/Autoroute/Pont/Peage
Car/Bicycle/Motorbike/Train/Bus/Tram/Coach = Voiture/Bicyclette (Velo)/Moto/Train/Bus/Tram/Car
Ferry/Boat/Ship = Bac/Bateau/Navire
Broken down/Flat tyre = En panne/Pneu a plat
2. Can I/We have the bill/menu please = L'addition (La facture)/Le menu s'il vous plait
3. I/We would like to buy/pay = Je voudrais/Nous voudrions acheter/payer
4. I am/We are lost = Je suis perdu(e)/Nous sommes perdus
5. Many thanks for your help = Merci pour votre aide
6. How much/What is the price/rate = C'est combien/Quel est le prix
7. Where are the toilets = Les toilettes s'il vous plait
8. Where can I/We find... = Ou est-ce que je peux/nous pouvons trouver...
9. I/We need petrol = J'ai besoin/Nous avons besoin de gasoline
10. A table for two (four) = Une table pour deux (quatre)Hello/Goodbye = Bonjour/Au revoir
Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Goodnight = Bonjour/Bonjour/Bon soir/Bonne nuit
Thank you/Many thanks = Merci/Merci beaucoup/Merci mille fois
Yes/No = Oui/Non
Please = S'il vous plait
Sorry/Excuse me = Je suis desole/Excusez-moi (pardon)
Open/Closed = Ouvert/Ferme
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow = Hier/Aujourd'hui/Demain
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Petit-dejeuner/Dejeuner/Diner
Meat/Fish/Chicken/Vegetarian = Viande/Poisson/Poulet/Vegetarian(rien)
Eggs/Cheese/Vegetables/Desserts = Oeufs/Fromage/Vegetables (Legumes)/Dessert
Beer/Wine = Biere/Vin
Water/Bottled water = Eau/Eau en bouteille
Fizzy (carbonated)/Non fizzy (still) = Eau gazeuse/Eau non gazeuse
Refrigerated (cold) water = Eau froide
Police = Police/Gendarmerie
Chemist/pharmacy = Pharmacie (green cross)
Hospital = Hopital (red cross)
Bank/Money = Banque/Argent
Ticket = Billet
The Exchange Office/Exchange rate = Bureau de Change/Taux de change
Church/Cathedral = Eglise/Cathedrale
Beach/Swimming pool/Lake = Plage/Piscine/Lac
Shower/Bath = Douche/Bain
Sun/Rain/Wind/Snow = Soleil/Pluie/Vent/Neige
Way/Road/Motorway/Bridge/Toll = Chemin/Route/Autoroute/Pont/Peage
Car/Bicycle/Motorbike/Train/Bus/Tram/Coach = Voiture/Bicyclette (Velo)/Moto/Train/Bus/Tram/Car
Ferry/Boat/Ship = Bac/Bateau/Navire
Broken down/Flat tyre = En panne/Pneu a plat
Portuguese phrases
1. Help/I need help/We need help = Socorro or Ajuda/Preciso de ajuda/Precisamos de ajuda
2. Can I/We have the bill/menu please = A conta/ementa por favor
3. I/We would like to buy/pay = Quero/Queremos comprar/pagar
4. I am/We are lost = Estou perdido/Estamos perdidos
5. Many thanks for your help = Muita obrigada pela sua ajuda
6. How much/What is the price/rate = Quanto custa/O preco por favor
7. Where are the toilets = A casa de banho por favor
8. Where can I/We find... = Aonde e que se encontra...
9. I/We need petrol = Preciso/Precisamos de gasolina
10. A table for two (four) = Uma mesa para dois (quatro) por favor
Hello/Goodbye = Ola/Adeus
Good morning/Good afternoon/Goodnight = Bom dia/Boa tarde/Boa noite
Thank you/Many thanks = Obrigado/Muito obrigado
Yes/No = Sim/Nao
Please = Se faz favor
Sorry/Excuse me = Desculpe
Open/Closed = Aberto/Fechado
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow = Ontem/Hoje/Amanha
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Pequeno almoco/Almoco/Jantar
Meat/Fish/Chicken/Vegetarian = Carne/Peixe/Frango/Vegetariano
Eggs/Cheese/Vegetables/Desserts = Ovos/Queijo/Legumes (Vegetais)/Sobremesas
Beer/Wine = Cerveja/Vinho
Water/Bottled water = Agua/Agua mineral
Fizzy (carbonated)/Non fizzy (still) = Com gas/Sem gas
Refrigerated (cold)/Not refrigerated = Fresca/Natural
The Police = A Policia/O G.N.R.
The chemist/pharmacy = A farmacia (green cross)
The hospital = O hospital/O Centro de Saude (red cross)
The bank/money = O banco/dinheiro
The ticket = O bilhete
The Exchange Office/Exchange rate = A casa de cambio/Cambio
The church/The cathedral = A igreja/O catedral
The beach/The swimming pool/The lake = A praia/A piscina/A lagoa (A barragem)
The shower/The bath = O duche/A banheira
Sun/Rain/Wind/Snow = Sol/Chuva/Vento/Neve
Way/Road/Motorway/Bridge/Toll = Caminho/Rua (Estrada)/Autoestrada/Ponte/Portagem
Car/Bicycle/Motorbike/Train/Bus/Tram/Coach = Carro (Automovel)/Bicicleta/Mota/Comboio/Autocarro/Electrico/Camioneta
Ferry/Boat/Ship = Barco/Barco/Navio
Broken down/Flat tyre = Avariado/Pneu furado
2. Can I/We have the bill/menu please = A conta/ementa por favor
3. I/We would like to buy/pay = Quero/Queremos comprar/pagar
4. I am/We are lost = Estou perdido/Estamos perdidos
5. Many thanks for your help = Muita obrigada pela sua ajuda
6. How much/What is the price/rate = Quanto custa/O preco por favor
7. Where are the toilets = A casa de banho por favor
8. Where can I/We find... = Aonde e que se encontra...
9. I/We need petrol = Preciso/Precisamos de gasolina
10. A table for two (four) = Uma mesa para dois (quatro) por favor
Hello/Goodbye = Ola/Adeus
Good morning/Good afternoon/Goodnight = Bom dia/Boa tarde/Boa noite
Thank you/Many thanks = Obrigado/Muito obrigado
Yes/No = Sim/Nao
Please = Se faz favor
Sorry/Excuse me = Desculpe
Open/Closed = Aberto/Fechado
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow = Ontem/Hoje/Amanha
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Pequeno almoco/Almoco/Jantar
Meat/Fish/Chicken/Vegetarian = Carne/Peixe/Frango/Vegetariano
Eggs/Cheese/Vegetables/Desserts = Ovos/Queijo/Legumes (Vegetais)/Sobremesas
Beer/Wine = Cerveja/Vinho
Water/Bottled water = Agua/Agua mineral
Fizzy (carbonated)/Non fizzy (still) = Com gas/Sem gas
Refrigerated (cold)/Not refrigerated = Fresca/Natural
The Police = A Policia/O G.N.R.
The chemist/pharmacy = A farmacia (green cross)
The hospital = O hospital/O Centro de Saude (red cross)
The bank/money = O banco/dinheiro
The ticket = O bilhete
The Exchange Office/Exchange rate = A casa de cambio/Cambio
The church/The cathedral = A igreja/O catedral
The beach/The swimming pool/The lake = A praia/A piscina/A lagoa (A barragem)
The shower/The bath = O duche/A banheira
Sun/Rain/Wind/Snow = Sol/Chuva/Vento/Neve
Way/Road/Motorway/Bridge/Toll = Caminho/Rua (Estrada)/Autoestrada/Ponte/Portagem
Car/Bicycle/Motorbike/Train/Bus/Tram/Coach = Carro (Automovel)/Bicicleta/Mota/Comboio/Autocarro/Electrico/Camioneta
Ferry/Boat/Ship = Barco/Barco/Navio
Broken down/Flat tyre = Avariado/Pneu furado
Spanish phrases
1. Help/I need help/We need help = Socorro (Ayuda)/Preciso ayuda/Precisamos ayuda
2. Can I/We have the bill/menu please = La cuenta/El menu (La carta) por favor
3. I/We would like to buy/pay = Quiero/Queremos comprar/pagar
4. I am/We are lost = Estoy perdido/Estamos perdidos
5. Many thanks for your help = Muchas gracias por su ayuda
6. How much/What is the price/rate = Cuanto cuesta/El precio por favor
7. Where are the toilets = Los servicios por favor
8. Where can I/We find... = Donde se encuentra...
9. I/We need petrol = Necesito/Necesitamos gasolina
10. A table for two (four) = Una mesa para dos (cuatro) por favor
Hello/Goodbye = Hola/Adios
Good morning/Good afternoon/Goodnight = Buenos dias/Buenas tardes/Buenas noches
Thank you/Many thanks = Gracias/Muchas gracias
Yes/No = Si/No
Please = Por favor
Sorry/Excuse me = Lo siento (perdon)
Open/Closed = Abierto/Cerrado
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow = Ayer/Hoy/Manana
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Desayuno/Comida (Almuerzo)/Cena
Meat/Fish/Chicken/Vegetarian = Carne/Pescado/Pollo/Vegetariano
Eggs/Cheese/Vegetables/Desserts = Huevos/Queso/Vegetales/Postres
Beer/Wine = Cerveza/Vino
Water/Bottled water = Agua/Agua mineral
Fizzy (carbonated)/Non fizzy (still) = Gaseoso/No gaseoso (Sin gas/Sin burbujas)
Refrigerated (cold)/Not refrigerated = Fresca/Natural
The Police = La Policia/Guarda Civil
The chemist/pharmacy = La farmacia (green cross)
The hospital = El hospital (red cross)
The bank/money = El banco/dinero
The ticket = El billete
The Exchange Office/Exchange rate = Oficina de cambio/Tipo de Cambio
The church/The cathedral = La iglesia/La catedral
The beach/The swimming pool/The lake = La playa/La piscina/El lago
The shower/The bath = La ducha/El bano
Sun/Rain/Wind/Snow = Sol/Lluvia/Viento/Nieve
Way/Road/Motorway/Bridge/Toll = Camino/Calle (Carretera)/Autopista/Puente/Peaje
Car/Bicycle/Motorbike/Train/Bus/Tram/Coach = Coche/Bicicleta/Moto/Tren/Autobus/Tranvia/Autobus
Ferry/Boat/Ship = Transbordador/Barco/Barco
Broken down/Flat tyre = Averiado/Llanta (Neumatico pinchada)
2. Can I/We have the bill/menu please = La cuenta/El menu (La carta) por favor
3. I/We would like to buy/pay = Quiero/Queremos comprar/pagar
4. I am/We are lost = Estoy perdido/Estamos perdidos
5. Many thanks for your help = Muchas gracias por su ayuda
6. How much/What is the price/rate = Cuanto cuesta/El precio por favor
7. Where are the toilets = Los servicios por favor
8. Where can I/We find... = Donde se encuentra...
9. I/We need petrol = Necesito/Necesitamos gasolina
10. A table for two (four) = Una mesa para dos (cuatro) por favor
Hello/Goodbye = Hola/Adios
Good morning/Good afternoon/Goodnight = Buenos dias/Buenas tardes/Buenas noches
Thank you/Many thanks = Gracias/Muchas gracias
Yes/No = Si/No
Please = Por favor
Sorry/Excuse me = Lo siento (perdon)
Open/Closed = Abierto/Cerrado
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow = Ayer/Hoy/Manana
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Desayuno/Comida (Almuerzo)/Cena
Meat/Fish/Chicken/Vegetarian = Carne/Pescado/Pollo/Vegetariano
Eggs/Cheese/Vegetables/Desserts = Huevos/Queso/Vegetales/Postres
Beer/Wine = Cerveza/Vino
Water/Bottled water = Agua/Agua mineral
Fizzy (carbonated)/Non fizzy (still) = Gaseoso/No gaseoso (Sin gas/Sin burbujas)
Refrigerated (cold)/Not refrigerated = Fresca/Natural
The Police = La Policia/Guarda Civil
The chemist/pharmacy = La farmacia (green cross)
The hospital = El hospital (red cross)
The bank/money = El banco/dinero
The ticket = El billete
The Exchange Office/Exchange rate = Oficina de cambio/Tipo de Cambio
The church/The cathedral = La iglesia/La catedral
The beach/The swimming pool/The lake = La playa/La piscina/El lago
The shower/The bath = La ducha/El bano
Sun/Rain/Wind/Snow = Sol/Lluvia/Viento/Nieve
Way/Road/Motorway/Bridge/Toll = Camino/Calle (Carretera)/Autopista/Puente/Peaje
Car/Bicycle/Motorbike/Train/Bus/Tram/Coach = Coche/Bicicleta/Moto/Tren/Autobus/Tranvia/Autobus
Ferry/Boat/Ship = Transbordador/Barco/Barco
Broken down/Flat tyre = Averiado/Llanta (Neumatico pinchada)
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